This is the GPAC Enterprises advantage. We will never give you a one-size-fits-all answer because we don’t believe every crawl space has the exact same concerns. In order to find the right solution for you, GPAC Enterprises looks in depth at every factor specific to your crawl space that may be the source of your concerns. Then we present you with the best solutions to resolve those specific concerns. We pride ourselves in utilizing the best and most up to date products on the market from encapsulation, insulation and vapor barriers to dehumidifiers and drainage systems. We carefully choose the product or method that will work best for you and your crawl space.
Many of the issues that plague homeowners start in their basements and crawl spaces. Moisture problems, mold growth, pest infestation, poor indoor air quality, high energy bills, and even structural damage can all be caused by a poorly maintained crawl space or basement.
If you don’t take action, your basement or crawl space will leak humidity and moisture, as well as musty odors, into your living spaces—air that’s not only unpleasant but also unhealthy. It will also allow heated and cooled air to escape, wasting energy and hiking up utility bills.
Protecting your home’s foundation with the right basement or crawl space services will lead to a healthier, more comfortable, and more energy efficient home. Our services will also help control humidity and bulk water problems, preventing water damage and structural damage.
GPAC will inspect your crawl space for possible bulk water problems, drainage issues, and structural decay, before we begin making any improvements. If any of these exist, we will help you address them before encapsulation for the safest and most effective solution. Once encapsulated, your crawl space will maintain a more even temperature relative to the ground and your home, controlling humidity and improving indoor air quality while decreasing your energy consumption.